Salvation prayer

You may be wondering what is a prayer of salvation?

Romans 10: 9-10

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raise Him from the dead, those shalt be saved.

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Today, we will confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and that God His Father raised him from the dead. We will believe these truths in our hearts without doubting, knowing that Jesus died as a ransom for the sake of our sinful nature. We were all destined for hell but His life here on earth and sacrifice to bring people to a new hope in Him stopped us in our tracks to hell. We can now believe in Him, confess our sin and accept Him we have His Holy spirit now living within us a life he purposed for us to live as we obey Him. Our lives won’t always be perfect, but as you accept Him after confessing your sin you will now be made into a new creation in Christ. This means your old ways of thinking will be made new because he will renew your mind daily as you trust Him. Even when you slip sometimes and fall you will know you can get back up and keep going with Him. Your belief in Him and obedience to Him is what is required.

You will now live a life of total freedom from the deadly traps of sin.

Say this prayer in your own words:

Dear Heavenly father,

I admit my sins, I am a sinner {expand and confess further sins if led} and I need your deliverance and power at work in my life. Cleanse me Father, I trust and believe in you.

I believe you have sent your son Jesus Christ as a baby to redeem this world from the deadly nature of sin through His sacrifice of death on the cross. I believe he died for me. Because of this sacrifice I have decided to surrender my life to Him, that i may be made whole and have his Holy Spirit live in me. So I surrender and ask that you Holy Spirit will dwell in me and wash my sins away, as I walk this walk of faith I know it will not always be easy but I trust you to carry be and help me up when I fall. I am dedicated to walking as your child wherever you lead. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Congratulations, you’re saved now go forth and seek further counsel from the Holy Spirit on a church to join so that you can enter into a brother/sisterhood of believers that will guide you in wisdom.

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