Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
Colossians 4:6 NKJV
As Christians we must learn to season our words with salt (added flavour and value) we must watch how we speak to one another and about one another. Gossip in a negative form is unacceptable and nasty towards yourself and the ones you gossip about. It is unacceptable.
As Paul wrote these letters in the new testament his plea was always to keep him in prayer. As believers would’ve witnessed Paul’s journey being persecuted for the sake of Christ, I am sure they were move internally. Let us therefore take this to heart as Christians. It is time for us to pray for things bigger than ourselves, let us pray for the Paul’s of this generation. That those whonare persecuted would be covered by the blood of the lamb and that they will live to experience the fruit of their labour. Let us hold their hands in prayer as they are ostracized for their faith. We are ALL one body in Christ. Let us hold each other’s burdens in PRAYER.
Prayer: Dear Father we cover [name] under your blood and all other Christians that we know of or that we don’t quite know that are being persecuted for your sake. God we reach them in prayer right now in this moment. We send your MINISTERING angels to reach and compass their surroundings even now as we speak. May they feel the influx of your Holy Spirit abiding in the innermost parts of their space. Cover them with the blood of the lamb and deliver them. We ask and cry out on their behalf for deliverance from evil. BLESS their souls for their obedience and faithfulness to your name and may you protect them with a covering that can only come from you. In Jesus name amen.
If you feel to continue to pray about the way you speak about other believers, or a specific person that comes to mind, feel free to.